Your Natural
Iron Partner!




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Heme-Iron USP

Heme iron is safe and far better tolerated plus highly effective compared to older  iron forms. 


HemeIron is highly bioabsorbed with side-effects that are no more frequent than  placebo.


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OptiFer®Kiddo - Optimal Strength for the Kids

OptiFer®Kiddo is a combination of heme- and non-heme iron, minerals and vitamins for children. The raw material for OptiFer®Kiddo is natural heme iron that is taken up several times more efficiently than synthetic iron, around 25% to 2-3%. Bio-availability is on par with prescription preparations and is enhanced by Vitamin A, D, E and B-complex, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iodine, Zinc, Copper, Selenium. Heme iron is not influenced by ingested food, drink or medication. No oxidative stress appears over longer use. Shelf-Life 2 years. Package 60 tablets.

·    Efficiency par with prescription preparations


·    Well tolerated non-prescription supplement


·    Easy dose regimen, 1 tablet per day - at any time


·    Absorption steady with other medicine, food or drink































  Copyright ® FerroCare  Part of MediTec Group

Excellence in Iron Tolerance and Efficiency!
OptiFer®Easy      OptiFer®C     OptiFer®Eco      OptiFer®Kiddo       OptiFer®Vital